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Compare Pop-Up Trade Show Displays

Below we have a comparison of three leading pop-up trade show display brands... Skyline, Nimlock, and our own TradeShowJoe model. Please see for yourself, how each of these brands compare...


Trade Show Display Hub Comparison:


Fewer Parts... Means Less to go Wrong!

Very similar to Nimlok, our TSJ-series displays are constructed of durable, yet lightweight, aluminum.   With just two quick latches, the display frame is locked into place and ready to go!!   Skyline displays use multiple connectors.



Trade Show Display Base Width Comparison:

As Pontiac States... "Wider IS Better"!!

TSJ-series and Nimlok brand pop-up displays use a very favorable, wide "footprint" -- more than 11 inches across -- offering considerable balance and stability.   Skyline pop-up displays average just over 6 inches in width.



Trade Show Display Base / Footing Comparison:

 Fully adjustable for any show environment, that's the TSJ advantage!

TSJ-series displays offer adjustable "feet."   Let's face it, we live in a world full of uneven show floors and warped display tables. Having the option to adjust one side / corner or another is a real bonus. Skyline and Nimlok (Nimlock) brand pop-up displays do not have adjustable bases.



Trade Show Display Toughness / Durability Comparison:


Top Notch Strength and Quality...

All three of these leading trade show display brands are strong and durable! To better show the strength of these displays, we took a 5 pound paperback book and placed it on each of the fully assembled display frames.

Notice how the Nimlok and TradeShowJoe brands do not bend / flex under the pressure of the 5 pound weight. Nimlok and TradeShowJoe brand trade show displays are designed to optionally carry the weight a small television or computer display monitor.

While the Skyline display does have some "give" when the extra weight is applied, this is not necessarily a "bad" thing. The real disadvantage to this system is it's inability to house a TV / computer monitor.

Nimlok brand and TSJ-series displays are constructed of durable, yet lightweight aluminum. Additionally, they have a unique "boxed style" frame which offers outstanding strength, quality, and durability. Skyline displays use a composite material and imply a "round" design for their display bars.


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Total Boiler & Mechanical - Testimonial

Total Boiler & Mechanical - Testimonial

July 19, 2019

In late June, our company founder, Dan Riley, was contacted from a client interested in having a tension fabric display...

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