By Todd Millett
on October 11, 2017

Occasionally, we see a new type of display slide under the radar in the trade show world. This is what we are seeing with the latest Tension Fabric Banner Stands
. Sometimes, something comes to the market that introduces new advantages or an opportunity to stand out, but it gets overlooked for the first few years. The trade show industry is visual, and many customers know what they want because they've seen it before. Perhaps this is why new trends can often take time to catch wind.
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By Todd Millett
on September 06, 2017

Inspired by the most isolated tree on the planet in the Sahara Desert, a team of technologists, artists, programmers, and constructors created a life-like tree with one major differentiator - the leaves are made of interactive colored LED lights. The tree stands about 4 stories high, and the lighting responds to sound and movement from the crowd below.
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By Todd Millett
on March 28, 2017

While at the EXHIBITORLIVE 2017 Trade Show, we gathered some photos and video clips to share! We found some highlights to compile into a short video.
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By Trade Show Joe
on March 17, 2017

Once again, it's that time of year! Dan hopped on a plane for a trip out to Vegas to attend the annual EXHIBITORLIVE Trade Show. This is the ultimate exhibit industry trade show, featuring the latest exhibiting innovations from the leading trade show display brands.
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By Todd Millett
on April 27, 2016

After our initial impression, we expected to see an increase in popularity of Light Box trade show displays and for these concepts to evolve even further in the trade show market. So far, this is exactly what is happening. Similar tension fabric displays are becoming increasingly more accessible and affordable. We don't see this slowing down any time soon.
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By Todd Millett
on March 24, 2016

Why is it so often that we find trade show related articles that have no visual content, such as images or videos? One of the biggest focuses of the industry is visual appeal on the trade show floor, so why is it so frequent that this does not convey with articles on the web?
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By Todd Millett
on January 19, 2016

As a company, Trade Show Joe sat down and discussed what trends we think will be prominent in 2016. We asked the founder, Dan Riley, to jump in and give us his input since he has experience in the industry dating back to 2001. Here is what we determined.
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