The Power of Questions at Your Trade Show Booth
One way to secure a higher success rate at any trade show is to focus on the questions. From booth planning, to handout literature, to verbal in-person communication, questions should be considered every step of the way.
Questions at the Trade Show
Why do people attend trade shows? - To find answers and solutions to their questions. How do you know what solutions they need? - You ask them questions. When you provide answers and they want you to elaborate, they ask you more questions. Trade shows are physical, hands-on environments that are created to provide a way for people and businesses to find answers to their questions and make connections that provide solutions. So, my question for you is, "How does your trade show display and booth staff contribute to this environment?"
How to Plan Your Trade Show Booth Based on Questions
The idea is to draw the audiences interest to your booth, so a conversation can be started. While there are many different approaches, here is an effective method based on questions. Make a list of the most common questions or problem areas of your target demographic that your company can resolve. Consider which of these questions drive most of your sales and determine the top two to four items. Address the very most important of these items with your display headline in a concise and to-the-point manner. Relevant images and visualizations also help to convey the message. Place the elements for the other questions on your display somewhere under the headline and remember to be concise, since your booth staff will be there to open a more detailed in-person discussion. If you have more than a few questions you really want to address on your display, consider adding the rest of them as bullets off to the side of your display or on a banner stand. These can then be used as a point of reference for your booth staff.
EXHIBITORLIVE 2016 - Contour Fabric Light Box Display
Interpersonal Marketing by Generating Leads with Questions
Sincere questions and honest answers are the best way to build trust, and trust is the most common foundation for long term business relationships. It is easy to think about what you want everyone to know about your company, and this is important. However, to garner the full attention of your prospects you must first consider what they want to know. Politely, ask questions in order to find out specifically what they are wondering, and provide specific answers. Once you do this, you have instantly multiplied the value of your words to your potential customer. Simultaneously, a genuine and mutually beneficial conversation has been opened.
SkuVault Warehouse Management Trade Show Display & Booth Staff
As always, remember to have a system in place for gathering contact information from your leads and following up with them after the show. Best of luck at your next event!